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identify fake, ghost, inactive followers on instagram to remove them later


Removing is ordered separately*

Because of a mistake or fraud, you may get bot (fake) follоwers. Or, if you started Instagram a long ago, some of your follоwers may lose interest in your account. And a worse part is that most of them never see your contentIt all has a negative impact on your account.

We identify three suspicious groups:

FAKE FOLLOWERS. I identify it by numerous parameters, including its follоwing activity, posting activity, and many other characteristics. It allows me to catch up to 98% of them.

Another two groups are related to GHOST FOLLOWERS

Abandoned accounts. Those who didn't show activity for a long time or use Instagram occasionally.

Mass followers. They are fоllowing too many people. So cannot see your new updates due to too many posts in their newsfeeds.

As a result of this gig, you receive a REPORT and LISTS of usernames for all three groups. So you or someone on your team can remove them.

*If you want me to work on removing it would cost $125 per month. For this time can remove 6K to 10K follоwers.

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